Ufo-contacts from a frequency- raised level of Venus - near the socalled astral level of matter -vibrations. | part2 | part 3 | + http://galactic.no/rune/battlesh1.htm
Etheric body ― The energetic
counterpart of the physical body, composed of seven major centers (chakras)
and 49 minor centers, a network which connects all the centers, and
infinitesimally small threads of energy (nadis) which underlie every
part of the nervous system. Blockages in the etheric body can result in
physical illnesses. Etheric planes
― Four planes of matter finer than the gaseous-physical. As yet
invisible to most people. The lowest level of Venus supporting "life"
and is then one step up from our present Earth-level of "matter to fight
intro on powerpoint | The space-contact-man (see preceding), told him of some spacepeople that took an enterely earthly warship for the purpose of a "space/cosmic museum" on a far planet!! | (pictures/ill. not from e-book) |
"DIANE - she came from Venus." by: DANA HOWARD Physic and later trans-telepatic: Contact to 4th dim. People from planet Venus in their lowered state of vibration: from the book from the 50ths |
W.Stevens and the pseudonym of Edward James have made an ebook of EJ's experiences, and WS says that EJ took contact to him about his ETcontact in march -81. Like many others he was contacted in the early 60ths: it happened feb62 while he was a 17y student in high school in Miami. Through a year he had 40 meetings with this man from seemingly outside earth. It first began by ufo-observations, and developed to physical meetings: 3-5 in a month. All of them apparent accidental. He was then educated on higher principles, and on cosmic life on other, partly invisible for us - levels. As usual on such cases, all those talks are seemingly only assertions, so the only way to judge such stuff, is to use the own in-built intuition, and "recognition" + to feel into by a logic view on evolution. Here in this case it took many years from the real experiences, to when he began thinking in ways to share it with others, as all those matters was so very strange to common thinking. But in -78 he began to write about it from his early notes, and then again new observations began happening.
The initial encounters In feb-62 he was led by an impulse to go to Biscayne Bay - ca 3km from his home. Down by the shore there, in this early morning, he met a man, ca 1,65 m tall, clothed rather peculiar - and first thinking to avoid him. Looked to be ca 25y old - white/fair skin, and had blond hair - bluegrey eyes, and clothed in a brown one-piece - skisuit similar clothing. 15cm wide belt with a special symbolic-made buckle. Soon a conversation began, and they told him they knew him. He said he came from another reality on Venus and had the task of getting into contact with appointed persons here. He soon told of the higher form of material level of Venus, which was out of sight of our prevailing way of sensing. And asked him to let his information ripen inside, before attempting to get it out. They told they had been watching earth for a long time, and was to meet him much more. So Edward soon began preparing a lot of questions for next meeting. NEXT MEETING -happend only 2days later, and then the "Venus-man" revealed he had once lived on earth some 50000y ago on a long gone continent, and spelled his name from then reminding old Sanskrit. He also revealed how other such humanlooking ET 's move anonymous around on earth, as also other such contactpeople have told. Many of these co-operates on this earth-mission, and help each other with practical things when arriving here. Like from similar contacts he also said he had quickly learned English by help of computers on home planet, seemingly by imprinting the subcons. He said "There are also many areas within our solarsystem that have civilisations or families of people, who no longer have need for physical bodies or physical existence. The word civilisation is not quite fitting to describe non-physical beings. It would be more correct to call them "mass groupings of consciousness" which inhabit an infinite number and dimensions which you presently have no concept of." Most all the earthpeople being contacted were young people - teenagers. (Surely because these are more open to such unfamiliar things - and I suppose they are just in earlier lifetimes and in the astral realms - been prepared for those happenings in just this lifetime). His thoughts of "earth's level" and answering questions
LIFE ON PLANETS ON THOSE FOR US INVISIBLE LEVELS We are not able to see life of Venus by direct physical sight. What we perceive as physical is a pure illusion. All is in fact only vibrations, as "matter" is not compact or solid. This fact has the scientists known for long times also here on earth. It is just the "surface of the sea-of-specific-vibrations" that we perceive as solid. Only a few people who can adjust their sight to a higher level, can comprehend life on those planets as ex.Venus. The big mistake is interpreting all life in cosmos to be on our "narrow" level of frequency. Same as you set your tv ex.capable of receiving 1000diff.channels - on an accidental channel, where you only see noise/snow - and then draw the conclusion that there are no programs sending. But hundreds of programs are out there -but not just on the channel you have chosen. All this lifelevel of "earth" is just one "channel" of many. EVERYTHING on the socalled physical level is only vibrations – "matter" is not solid – but the illusion from "the principle of perspective" deceives you to think it is "the only reality". Book claims that some earthpeople have been taken to Venus on a raised level of vibrations - first then being able to sense the real life there, though "only desert" on the coarse level of normal earth-sensing. (link to norwegian girls report of such- now living in Sweden - that I know personally). VENUS ON ITS OWN LIFE-SUPPORTING LEVEL HAS:
More on the people there
Their spacetravel
*** /under construction Continues later on more of the physical contacts as summary from the book, which can be found on http://www.ufophotoarchives.com - Site of Wendell Stevens: Stevens (once an usaf-pilot) is one of (or just THE ONE) most serious and important ufo-investigators in the last half a century, and began his own research and collection effort, eventually amassing the largest private collection of UFO photographs in the world. He began to publish reports on the events, and wrote many illustrated articles for many UFO publications. Disenchanted with the dearth of detail on contact events reported in books and journals of the time, he began preparing detailed reports of his own investigations. He has published more than 22 of these extensive reports in book form. He continues his investigations at his own expense, still seeking the elusive answers to the many questions raised by this phenomenon. Wendelle has been a Director of the International UFO Congress since its inception. more on the contacts/life on Venus | another | Venus lowest PHYSICAL life-level is eteric http://galactic.no/rune/battlesh1.htm + ppoint2 on the old ww1 ship they took
"90% of the Venus-ships on earth are operating outside of the visible range of sight."
Story of a Venusian incarnation;
incarnation into Earth body
George Adamski: A Herald for the Space Brothers - Book Review